
Website Development

Stand out from the crowd with a stunning website.

Whether you are a start-up or an existing business looking for a new website built from scratch, I can help.

Your new, self-hosted website will be built in WordPress and/or Shopify using a lightweight theme for speed and accessibility. This will result in a high-performing website that can be easily self-maintained.

If you don’t currently have a website, I will support you with purchasing and setting up your domain and hosting. Self-hosting is simple, low-cost, and allows you to have full control of your website forever.

What to expect

A beautiful website that is:
Fully functional

Optional Extras

Engaging copywriting
Ongoing maintenance
SEO consultation
Ongoing SEO services

SEO Services

Lost amongst a crowded marketplace? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is essential for getting you found organically by your target audience on Google.

In a growing online world, it’s easy to become lost in the depths of Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page). A well-executed SEO strategy gives you the best opportunity to boost your rankings on Google and get those prized top spots. 

My SEO services are available as a stand-alone service for your existing website, or, as a bolt-on service for your new website. Alternatively, if you have a marketing team that need some professional guidance on SEO, or the time to tackle SEO yourself, I offer personalised SEO consultations.

What to expect

Site health audit

UX review

Keyword research

On-page & off-page optimisations

Technical optimisations

Content writing

Link building strategy

website development

Web Design

Web Development

Lightweight Theme

E-Commerce (optional)



Support with hosting (self-hosted)

Support with domain (self-purchased)

Monthly SEO services

Site Health Audit

UX Review

Keyword Research

On-Page Optimisations

Technical Optimisations

Link Building Strategy

Content Writing

Monthly Reporting


Site Health Audit

Keyword Research (optional)

Current Performance Analysis

How to:

Write SEO-friendly Content

Create a Link Building Strategy

Check Site Health

Create Useful SEO Reports